The Justice System is not fit for purpose.
Daily travesties of the law take place within the courts. People who should be behind bars, are not. Two such career criminals, the Briggs brothers yet again evade justice. Their frustrated prosecutor puts them in the sights of men with form of a different kind, serving Queen and Country. This is no ordinary blunt eye for an eye vigilantism, more an extreme and unique brand of restorative justice. Shades of "Death Wish" meet touches of "Robin Hood" Available at > books2read.com/u/mVDwoJ |

An old lady dies and an open verdict is recorded.
Neighbours are aghast at the news that two ne’er do wells are the beneficiaries of her bungalow and estate.
It makes no sense.
When a rinse and repeat occurs, they are again suspicious.
An ex CPS prosecutor starts to investigate and whilst he doesn’t like what he finds, knows there’s no provable foul play.
5* Amazon Review
“ Having read the first book I was eager to get hold of a copy of Sam Sparks latest instalment "One Death Too Many ". Another very enjoyable read & again the mixed class of veterans find their own way of sorting out the problems that injustice brings. A great read.”
Available https://books2read.com/u/4X6qNv

Summer 2025.
A drug king pin and a notorious landlord have joined forces.
Their stock in trade is the use of violence to expand their empire.
A young couple are living in fear need help.
A drug king pin and a notorious landlord have joined forces.
Their stock in trade is the use of violence to expand their empire.
A young couple are living in fear need help.